Just a continuation on breastfeeding by
Ibuvouge.Alhamdulillah I managed to exclusively bf my teruna the full 1 1/2 year and started mixing both formula and breast milk(BM) then on because I was stuck with DPA the whole 6 months. With all the outdoor activities involving this and that I couldn't supply him with enough EBM (time constrain and storage issue)
Like IV, I planned early on to exclusively breastfeed my teruna on the basis of: this is the best gift I could possibly offer him the whole of his life. This is the best food I could offer him, for his early growth and development, though it means a lot of hassle to express, handle and feed him the milk. I wanna share my experience, and my routine, hope it of help to others..
Expressing breast milk
I use Medela breast pump. A manual one cost about RM50++. I express milk just like IV does. Usually three times during office hours, and in between feeding at home to maintain supply. The catch is : the more we pump the more milk is produced.Alhamdulillah like IV, I managed to pump around 17 - 20oz in the office to be sent to Mak Tok's house (my teruna's pengasuh) and another 8-10oz in between feeding at home for stock.
Mental state is very important. Think of happy thoughts, think of our babies. It helps the flow. Recite doa' some short surah as a prayer to our babies.
Storing EBMAt first I bought bottles, but my fish and chicken has no place to stay hahahaha. Thus I bought plastic bag made specially for human milk. Sold at leading pharmacies. The plastic bag acts just like daun keladi, milk's precious fat will not stick to it once it's thawed. Label the container (date and time of expressing) and implement FIFO method.
Nursing v/s bottleI started introducing my teruna to bottle when he was a month old. I tried various teats but to no avail. At last he accept pigeon. I use Y cut pigeon teat when he was 6 months. Thus began the routine. Bottlefed during daytime and direct nursing evening onwards even during weekend, or else he'll refuse to take EBM from bottle Monday onwards. I nurse him on long holidays but I make sure to re-train him to take bottle 2 - 3 days before returning to work. Very cerewetlah my boy.
Supplementary food for breastfeeding mothersI tried almost everything that is said to help increasing milk supply. Sup lobak putih, sup halba (Ana's recipe), sawi, name it and I'll try. They help ofcourse. I drink gatorade (sport drink). Got this from ummiku-sayang. It help too. It's important to take plenty of fluid and nutritious food. I take soy product (tau foo fah, tempe, soy milk)
Some of my friend asked, how to exclusively breastfeed when we have to be away. I'd say it can be done. I was away from my teruna when he was 6 months old for PTD assessment (3 days).The same thing apply, express, store,use. I transport the milk using coleman chillbox (the one kaki mancing guna tu) with icepacks, some call it blue ice (from pharmacies). Medela chill box tak muat eheh.
When I was posted to Putrajaya, my teruna was with my mum in Klang.He was 10 months ols. I did the same. Express, label, store and transport it to Klang twice a week. I nurse him then and during weekend to stimulate milk production. Baby's suction movement is important stimuli.I lived this routine for 3 months before being posted back to Pahang. Alhamdulillah I can express about 25-30oz perday (6-7times). Sometimes I laugh myselff off (rasa cam lembu plak eheheh). Looks a lot but that amount of milk is just enough for my teruna for a day. My mum said it's enough because he's already on solid food. Alhamdulillah my penyusuan friend is always with me when I feel down at times, when I feel like giving up at times, when I feel lonely at times. Thanx Ana :)
Examples of breastpumps.
More information on breastpump and breast pumping visit
breastfeed essentials Below are some models by medela. I use the 1st one and then I bought a set (4th pic). Costly but worth the money I spent. Still in a good condition waiting to be used again.

Quality electric pump for single pumping Also operable with 2 AA batteries (not included) Adjustable vacuum levels from minimum to maximum for ultimate comfort Autocycling feature that closely mimics baby's suckling ; no buttons to push; no holes to cover Allows for expression of milk in about 10-20 minutes PER BREAST.

Manual pump for single pumping Advanced pump design with ergonomic swivel handle, fewer pieces to assemble and clean, and a massaging SoftFit breastshield Designed with "Natural Expression" to allow faster letdown and easier milk flow. Allows you to easily change from "letdown mode" to "expression mode" and back again. Compatible with most standard baby bottles For occasional use and for moms who nurse their babies most of the time.

Quality, electric pump for single or alternating double pumping Includes accessory kit containing the following: 2 standard breastshields with valve/membranes, 2 extra membranes, 2 collection bottles with lids, and 2 pieces of tubing for pump connection Includes AC/DC adaptor/transformer for electrical operation Can also be powered with 2 C batteries (not included) Adjustable vacuum levels from minimum to maximum for ultimate comfort Convenient table-top operation with built-in bottle stands Autocycling feature that closely mimics baby's suckling; no buttons to push; no holes to cover Provides more stimulation than single pumping but not as much as simultaneous double pumping; expresses milk slightly faster than single pumping but not as fast as simultaneous double pumping.

Professional grade electric pump for single pumping or simultaneously double pumping.The only retail breastpump proven to stimulate and maintain milk supply over frequent or extended use
Professional-grade electric pump for single pumping or simultaneous double pumping
Includes accessory kit containing the following: 2 breastshields with valve/membrane assemblies, 2 breastshield connectors in case one of the Medela larger (PersonalFit) or silicone (SoftFit) breastshields is desired later on, 2 extra membranes, 4 collection bottles, 2 bottle stands, and 2 pieces of tubing for pump connection
Includes AC/DC adaptor/transformer for electrical operation
Includes battery pack that operates with 8 AA batteries (not included)
Also operable with a vehicle lighter adapter (optional gift or purchase)
Includes removable cooler/carrier with blue ice for storing/toting breastmilk when away from home
Adjustable vacuum levels from minimum to maximum for ultimate comfort
Autocycling feature that closely mimics baby's suckling at an adjustablecycle rate of 48-64 times a minute
Quiet, discreet operation with built-in motor unit which can also be removed
Pump includes stylish black microfiber bag with separate inner compartment for pump accessories
Front of pump bag folds down providing a stable clean surface when pumping.
Hope this information will help mothers and mothers to be who are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed their baby. Cheers