Wednesday, June 28, 2006
setuju atau tidak?
Monday, June 26, 2006
We had fun
Friday, June 23, 2006
Aku Gumbira
My desktop : My teruna
I was sooooo happy yesterday. Drew some money ( it wasa pay day) to buy my teruna's 6 tins of Pediasure and 3 packs 0f XL60 huggies dry. Went to Carrefour Alamanda to shop. Took a trolley, push it here and there looking for things on the list. Was at formula section and the 10% discount on all formula made me smile (more than that actually). The usual RM51.75 a tin was RM46.57. I saved more than RM30...
Moved on to diapers section. Huggies was sold at RM33 only (2 packs per customer) ahaaaa luckily I was witha friend, asked her to pay for another 2. Bought some other things too.
I went back with 6 tins of Pediasure and 4 packs of huggies. I was a happy mum.
Abang will be here tomorrow (pleasant suprise eheh) coz his niece enters a treasure hunt in Midvalley. Since her sister will surely lose her way here, abang voluntereed to be her driver. Bonus for both my teruna and me lah kan.. Planned to buy more Pediasure while it's on sale...
Tomorrow's plan. Will be joining gengjurnal for a makan-makan session (potluck) at Bagan Lalang in conjunction with The International Webloggers Day. My first gathering since 2004. I think of bringing Laksa Penang and Creme Caramel.
Will be with abang and SIL at Midvalley Megamall for the treasure hunt event. Maybe a movie afterwards. My teruna has been pestering me to watch cars. Macamlah paham.... but for him, anything. But watching a movie with this one chirpy toddler could be a problem, a DVD version will do then...oh heck! I'll be listenging to lagu beyor for the upteenth time tomorrow and the day after..... come monday and my ears will still ring the dikir song huuaaaaa
So what's your plan for this weekend?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Our future generation...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
baby talk

I have nothing to write actually. Today is my lazy day! I have lots of things to do but somehow my brain refuses to compute. I miss my other half and my son miserably! So bear with me, I'm gonna write entirely about my honey bun sugar plum... his chirpy mouth and all.
Situation 1 : in a car on our way to Kapar
Arief : Ibu buat ketam (silang2 jari tangan dia)
Ibu : abang sayang ibu dulu
Arief : takpe abang buat diyi (sendiri)
Situation 2 : in a car on our way to Pasir Mas
Arief : Ibu, nak cucu (susu)
Ibu : Abang kan baru minum, nanti muntah
Arief : cikit aje, tak anyak
Ibu : nanti sampai rumah tok ibu buat ye
Arief : taknak tawan ibu
Ibu : tak nak tawan ibu? abang buat susu sendiri.
Arief : abang tak pandai..
Ibu & ayah : (gelak sampai nak keluar air mata)
Situation 3 : At nenek's house
Ibu : Aqilah ni nangis je (baby my mother looks after)
Arief : Anyan alah qilah, cian iye (jangan marah qilah kesian dia)
Ibu :ibu bukan marah, ibu cakap aje
Arief : ibu tak alah ye.. ibu ayang ye..
Ibu : ha'ah, ibu sayang..
Arief : abang ayang ibu, ayah ayang ibu, qilah ayang ibu, nenek ayang ibu
Situation 4 : everytime Arief's in the car
Arief : ayah nak agu beyok
Ayah : kejap (ayah pasang)
Arief : (listening attentively)
Ibu : (chit chat with ayah)
Arief : ibu niiihhh... iyamlaaa.. abang nyo agu beyok..
Ibu & ayah : speechless
note : lagu beyok is actually a dikir barat song titled Lembu where the lyrics includes :
lembu sapo dio (lembu siapa dia)
lepah sie male (lepas siang malam)
pi rato rato (pergi merata-rata)
supo takdo tue (serupa takde tuan)
berok depe tanggo (berak depan tangga)
genak tengoh jale (segenap tengah jalan)
masuk paga ambo (masuk pagar saya)
dok make anok pise (makan anak pisang)
Guess where he picks up "beyok"? This song will be played repeatedly! until Arief is convinced that the CD dah rosak...hmmm
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Entry bergambar
Abang and me during our pakcik's wedding in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. I was all dressed up (really?) and he was only clad in jeans and t-shirt. Penat aku gosok baju... cait! Yer... muntah hijaulah kengkawan dengan pose manja itew..
My teruna and me during makan-makan session in Kota Bharu. My FIL's treat. There were 5 cars altogether (me, 3 of my SIL, my FIL). We managed to make a hole in ayah's pocket hahahaha
Budak debab besar gajah dalam buaian. My honey bun sugar plum.... look at his hands.. tidur pun dengan kereta! Toddler in deep sleep, how calm...
Investment cont.
Corner (end?) lot
Backyard View
Front view
Another front view
Main area
Main are (with models eheh)
from porch
Side view
Monday, June 19, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Down with fever
Have a great weekend people... I know I wont, still have a battle to fight.... my runny nose, cough, joints ache... not the freezing temperature though.