Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunyi kan...

Aku pergi outstation 3 minggu berturut2. Dari Taiping ke Melaka dan esok aku akan ke Kuantan plak. Tu yang blog ni senyap macam tanah perkuburan. Terima kasih la geng2 yang telefon aku bertanya khabar. Aku sihat alhamdulillah. Cuma penat sket la membawa perut berkejar ke sana sini sepanjang kerja di luar sana.
Takde yang menarik sangat pun. Cuma aku dah start pakai uniform. Haaaaa ada satu. Aku kat Melaka minggu lepas kan, aku memborong uniform yang sangatla murah. Beza harga sampai RM30 tuh kalau nak dibandingkan kat sini. Cap Laimage jek. Tapi memang memenuhi citarasa aku yang tak suka uniform 1 piece. So aku membelasah seluar dan baju 5 pasang ehehehe. Biar bengkok takpe sebab harini gaji woohoo. Orang pegi Melaka beli cenderahati, beli cencaluk, aku beli baju.
Memandangkan hari ni gaji dan disertai ngan bonus, makanya seperti saban tahun laaa aku akan beli sesuatu untuk diri sendiri. Aku nak beli telefon menggantikan telefon zaman dinasour aku nih haaaa.
Esok aku akan ke Kuantan lepas monthly check up. Aku rasa berat aku mencanak laaaa naik. 2 minggu makan tak hengat beb. Tau jer la makan kat hotel ni kan eheh.. Till then..

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Cerita? Takde!

I ran out of idea to write! Writers' block?

-Just a bit on my son, just recovered from a fever. Mild one alhamdulillah.

- Open house went smoothly. Thanx a zillion Ady and Kak Ungku for turning up, though berkejar-kejaran form Geng Jurnal Gathering.

- Might not be able to update these following days, busy with preparation for the upcoming division's retreat.

-Till then, have a pleasant week ahead ( macam penyampai berita plak ekekeeke)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Mulut Longkang!

Kasar kan tajuk entry aku. tapi memang itu tujuan aku pun. Aku cuma nak tanya camne sorang minah ni boleh claim yang walaupun mulutnya laser tahap cipan, hatinya baik. Kalau tanya aku laa yang ilmu tak sedalam mana ni, kalau dah mulut tu bau longkang, bawak cerita sana sini, cerita seinci jadi sekaki, pulak tu semua cerita tu tak betul, camne boleh cakap hati baik? bukan ke apa yang terkeluar dari mulut tu cermin hati?

Aku malas nak layan makhluk camtuh, biarlah dia dalam dunia dia sendiri. Aku cuma bagi warning kat minah ni masa aku jumpa dia weekend lepas, kalau aku dengar apa-apa cerita keluar daripada mulut dia yang boleh menjatuhkan maruah aku dan keluarga aku, siap laaaa... kalau dia mulut longkang, aku akan bertukar jadi mulut kumbahan! That is a promise.Okeh. Full stop la cerita yang menyakitkan hati nih.

Makan-makan menggemukkan badan

Sabtu malam Ahad ni, iaitu esok,lepas maghrib, ada majlis makan-makan sket kat rumah aku di Klang. Abang aku yang buat untuk kengkawan dia, aku pun tumpangla dua kaki menjemput kengkawan aku dan hubby sekali sebab kebetulan hubby aku ada kat sini weekend nih. Ada fun ride kat Kajang.So aku jugak extend invitation pada semua yang baca blog aku, yang teringin nak jumpa aku ekekeke.. jemputla ke rumah di

Jalan Benteng Lama Kanan
Kampung Tok Muda
42200 Kapar, Klang, Selangor

Kalau dari Shah Alam tuh halakan jerla kereta ke Kapar, Ikut Meru boleh, ikut bandar Klang pun boleh. Rumah aku lepas pekan Kapar tuh jek. Aku bagilah teaser menu nanti. Rasa-rasa nak makan nasi dagang, soto ayam, rojak buah (ni kuah rojak mak bee nih) creme caramel, pecal dan adalah satu dua lagik menu, silalah datang ke rumah.

Tepon la aku kalau tersesat dihujung jalan tuh o13-2680495 / 03-32503476. Nak datang lebih awal pun boleh, tapi aku jamu air sirap ngan belen kuih raya jek lah yer.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Back From Hibernation

aku kembali setelah... ya rabbi... lama sungguh tak mengupdate kan. Dekat sebulan dah. Rasanya kalau nak cerita pasal raya pun dah basi, so aku cut it short. Raya yang sama je macam tahun tahun lepas setelah bergelar isteri kepada Encik Mazlan bin Mohd Noor. Raya di Kuantan dan balik Klang pada raya ketiga.

Cerita lepas raya yang membuatkan aku tak online. Aku tak sihat sepanjang minggu lepas. Minggu ni pun kepala masih ding dong, badan masih lesu. Sepatutnya Isnin ngan Selasa lepas aku pi exam PTK. Aku tak pergi pun. kalu pergi pun fail bakpe kan? Bukan rezeki aku lagi la nak ngambek peksa tuh.

Ceritanya camni... aku sakit kepala tahap dewa dan muntah-muntah tahap cipan, membuatkan aku dehydration. Banyak sangat makan dan travel gamaknya time-time raya nih. Makanya kenala masuk air berbotol-botol. Tu jerlah. Thanx IV sebab call aku. Baby ok jer.

Bulan ni ngan bulan depan aku akan pergi otstesen 2 kali. Lagi la kurang entry aku nanti kan. Lebih kurang camni laaa

25-30 November - Retreat Jabatan di Taiping.
3-7 Disember - Bengkel Teknik Penerbitan Video Koporat di Morib.
5-8 Disember - Seminar Fotografi di Penang (tak pergi sebab kena pergi Morib)
20-21 Disember - Periksa PTK (kalau buleh amik la)

Aku pun tengah sibuk isi borang Laporan Prestasi Tahunan ni. Nak kena ngingat balik la benda aku buat sepanjang tahun ni kan. Kena senaraikan semua tuh. Kot2 dapat cemerlang tahun ni kan (berangan nih ehehehe)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Belated Birthday

Aku dah pun berumur 29 tahun sabtu lepas 14 Oktober 2006. Alhamdulillah Allah beri lagi aku peluang bernafas di buminya ini. Takde sambutan pun. Cuma berbuka puasa dengan segala tok nenek makanan yang famili aku beli. Sebiji kek resepi rahsia jugak eheheh. Puas aku makan 2 hari. Sambutan la jugak tu kan.
Birthday aku tahun ni amatlah bermakna untuk aku sambut sebab ni laaaa tahun terakhir umur 20an, thn depan dah 30 dah! Aduhhhh tetiba terasa tua.
Untuk emak aku belikan sepasang sandal hush puppies. Nak belikan barang kemas dah tak valid dah ekekekeke. Buleh la dia pakai untuk beraya. Memang dah jadi kelaziman aku tiap tahun beri hadiah untuk emak masa birthday aku. Takde dia, takde la aku kat dunia ni kan.
Tahun lepas abang bagi aku jam tangan. Tahun ni dia bagi aku cash money sebab dah run out of idea nak bagi aku apa. Aiman tak kisaaahhhhhh.... dalam kepala aku ni memacam dah aku bayangkan nak beli apa. Yang pasti sesuatu yang boleh aku simpan buat kenangan. Ermmmm rantai tangan?
Oh ya... selamat ulangtahun ke-empat blog aku jugak. Bulan lepas sebenarnya. Actually aku dah start tulis blog ni thn 2001 lagik, kat tripod masa tuh. Tukar ke blogspot thn 2002. sampai bila aku nak menulis? sampai aku rasa puas.
InsyaAllah, aku akan balik ke Kuantan Sabtu ni. Sejak kahwin memang aku beraya di rumah abang. Raya ketiga dan sampai aku habis cuti baru la di Klang. Pada aku yang penting berapa lama masa untuk aku habiskan dengan famili, bukan raya ke berapa. Kebiasaan di sebelah aku memang meriah raya ketiga dan seterusnya. Raya pertama dan kedua tuh lebih pada lepak satu keluarga je. Sebelah abang plak raya ketiga tuh dah macam tak raya dah ehehehe..
Raya Haji memang aku yang volunteer nak raya kat kampung abang sebab kat kampung aku takde sambutan langsung. Cuma sembahyang raya jek.
Persiapan raya tahun ni lebih la sikit berbanding tahun lepas. Ye laaaa.. tahun lepas kan aku beraya sebagai student. Mana la ada preparation sangat kan. Perut aku pun masih tak nampak, boleh la aku melaram ngan baju kurung. Kebaya dah invalid dah eheheh.
Bonus memang dah masuk, tapi tu laaaa cuma cukup2 untuk perbelanjaan raya jer. Tapi aku bersyukur jugak la kan. Bila kewangan terhad, kita pun takkan membazir betul tak? Untuk anak je aku belanja lebih sebab banyak baju dia dah ketat, seluar dah tak muat. Aku pergi reject shop jer. Ibu low maintainance, anak kena low maintainance jugak laaaa.. pergi jugak kids department tapi banyak aku kurang berkenan la.
Bunga Api, mercun, meriam
Abang aku dah start pasang pelita malam Ahad lepas. Meriah je rasa. Adik aku sibuk melayan Arief main bunga api kat laman. Aku, hubby, abang, emak duduk kat pangkin tengok telatah derang. Tetiba je aku sebak, teringat arwah ayah. Kalau hujung-hujung Ramadhan camni, dialah yang paling sibuk pasang pelita, temankan anak main bunga api.
Aku masih ingat, ayah akan petik pelepah pisang buat penyucuk bunga api. Takut tangan anaknya ni terkena percikan api tu. Lepas habis satu, dicucuhnya lagi satu, sambil dia hisap rokok tak lepas pandangannya pada anak-anak.
Aku pun tak sedar bila air mata aku tumpah. memang sedih sangat. Ayah pergi 12 Syawal 5 tahun lepas. Tak sempat dia tengok cucu sulungnya..Alfatihah.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

For the sake of updating

Just finish a paper work on a seminar in December. Penang here I come. And I'll be in Taiping for Division's retreat programme. The best thing is that I can bring along my hubby and my son. Combining work with pleasure. I likeeee...

Hmmm.. we were in a discussion the other day when my superior jokingly said this " E'e, bawakla husband ngan anak, nanti macam angah pergi bertiga balik berempat" I never thought of it laaaa.. then I remember that seminar in Terengganu ahahahahaha... very true indeed. The UPT kit showed 2 lines after we came back from the trip. Rezeki Allah beri, Alhamdulillah.

I'm in the process of applying for a transfer to Pahang State Government. I really hope the transfer will be effective in December (next PTD intake) or in June next year, right after the confinement period.

I'm thinking of cooking something simple for iftar today. Kuey teow sounds delicious. So it'll be kuey teow goreng and perhaps creme caramel for dessert. I had bayam tumis air, telur dadar and ikan masak pedas last night.

what's your menu tonight?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

tak berkenaan

Aku bukan graduate IT. Tapi aku yang kena buat kerja IT nan satu nih. Aku kan menurut perintah, maka redhalah...Semalam balik lewat, mujur sempat memasak. Aku berbuka dengan pajeri terung, ikan pekasam goreng, sambal belacan, singgang daging hari sebelum tu, petola rebus dan ulam. Punyala banyak menunya. Kuih plak rengas frozen tuh la.
Jerebu kat Putrajaya ni amatlah teruk. memang kerkabus jer nampak. Mata, tekak memang sakit la dibuatnya. Aku plak bawak kereta tak pasang aircond. Padan muka aku! nak pasang aircond aku masih rasa sejuk, sebab aircond kat ofis tu Ya Rabbi... sejuk yang amat. Aku rasa aku ni dok kat Malaysia, masuk jer ofis terus rasa dok kat Antartika.
Esok dah Jumaat, hepi aku sebab nak balik Klang jumpa anak. Rindunya la ngan mulut murai sorang tu. Sure banyak benda nak report macam bibik tak bagi naik basikal, susu dia Dina amik, kereta dia rosak, papa (pakcik dia) tak bagi tengok bot, nak makan roti canai...*kalau aku senaraikan semua tak cukup la 1 entry*

Perbualan malam tadi

ibu : abang buat apa?
arief : abang aik bacikal
ibu : nenek mana?
arief : pegi ulut (padahal nenek dia ada kat sebelah)
ibu : abang dah makan?
arief : elom, abang makan cokolat nenek tak bagi, abang minum silap nenek tak bagi
ibu : *gelak jek
arief : apa tawa! ibu nih!
ibu : *speechless
ibu : esok hari jumaat ibu balik ya, abang tunggu ibu ya
arief : ali maat ibu alik petajaya
ibu : ha'ah
arief : baby ali maat alik petajaya ibu
ibu : ya, baby balik juga
arief : abang nak cayang baby, nak jaga aik bacikal boleh tak?
ibu : nanti baby jatuh la naik basikal
arief : abang jaga laaaaa
ibu : ye lah
arief : okey beleshh (beres) babai ibu (nenek amik gagang)

lepas cakap ngan mak, aku pun tido. Abang call pun aku tak sedar. Teruk betul la.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Puasa ke lebih makan?

Ramadhan dah masuk 10 hari. Alhamdulillah puasa aku tak rongak lagi. Mudah-mudahan diterima Allah.
Saja nak cerita-cerita pasal kegairahan umat Islam ni berbelanja di bulan Ramadhan. Perasan tak, walaupun jadual makan cuma 2 kali sehari (berbuka dan bersahur) tapi rata-rata perbelanjaan melebihi hari biasa yang jadual makannya paling kurang 4 kali. Family aku pun tak terkecuali. Sebabnya senang je, masing-masing ada menu sendiri. Beli pulak tu melebihi kapasiti perut. Aku plak lain kes, aku tak selera makan makanan luar. Aku tetaplah nak makan masakan rumah. Jadinya tiap petang aku bersilat di dapur. Kuih muih pun aku buat sendiri dan frozenkan.
Petang semalam berbuka dengan pindang telur ikan, sambal belacan dan sayur rebus. Buah tembikai susu dan karipap yang aku buat hujung minggu. Sedih jugak berbuka kat rumah sewa ngan kawan serumah. Aku teringat suami di Kuantan, aku teringat anak di Klang. Apalah yang mereka makan. Rasa tak seronok sungguh hidup camni! Anak aku pun dah pandai cakap "ibu keje petajaya, ali maat ibu balik" (ibu kerja putrajaya, hari jumaat ibu balik) kalau orang tanya mana ibu dia. Dalam situasi sekarang aku tak mampu nak berulang dari Klang ke Putrajaya tiap hari. Aku tak mampu. Ya Allah, percepatkanlah proses pindah aku ke Kuantan....
Cuti aku sampai 31 Oktober dah lulus. Macam biasalah, raya pertama dan kedua di Kuantan. memang itulah rutin aku sejak kawen. Aku memang tak pernah beraya di Klang. Petang raya kedua baru balik ke sini. Tak per, yang penting aku boleh lepak lama gan mak aku. Hari ke berapa tu tak penting. Tak payah gaduh-gaduh pening-pening kepala nak raya kat mana. Sana sini pun keluarga jugak.
Tahun lepas raya macam tak raya je sebab tengah belajar. Cuti pun 4 hari jek. Orang tengah best beraya aku tengah buat assignment, orang tengah best berjalan, aku dah ada dalam kelas. Hampeh! So tahun ni bolehlah beraya dan bercuti sepuas hati. Pregnancy pun dah 4 bulan masa tuh, tak le risau sangat nak bergerak bebas.
Gaji bulan ni 16hb, masak laaaaaa nak nunggu gaji bulan 11. Kenalah belanja ikut otak bukan ikut nafsu. Kena ketepikan siap2 duit ke akaun yang susah nak keluarkan. Kang sedap2 berbelanja, tergelincir bajet bulanan.
Petang ni plan nak masak gulai ikan belimbing buluh dan daging goreng. Yum yum..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

cerita semasa

Hari hari aku baca surat khabar, tengok internet, nak tau berita semasa. Ada berita yang memang penting, ada yang tak berapa penting dan ada yang tak penting langsung. Nak contoh? tak payahlaaa.. Tapi konsumerism menyebabkan berita tak penting jadi isu muka depan. sapa buat sotkaba sebab nak rugi ye tak? Makapenuhla sotkaba ngan cerita yang takde faedah pun kalau aku baca. Nak contoh jugak? Ina tulis puisi untuk mawi... SO?
Ada Apa Pada Nama?
Anyway, ada beberapa berita yang nampak tak penting tapi kalau difikirkan disebaliknya tu, banyak benda kita boleh belajar jugak. Tak... bukan tulis puisi... Nak contoh lagi? ok.. ada satu orang dapat cucu baru, sedap nama cucu baru dia tu, makna pun bagus. FIRDAUZ. tapi kenapa dengan megah dipanggil PIDOT? hilangla makna nama yang jugak doa ibu ayah kepada anak kan.
Aku cukup terasa kalau anak aku yang namanya Arief tu dipanggil Arip, Mat Areh, atau apa2 yang bukan berbunyi Arief. Ayahnya dulu terikut2 jugak lidah ibunda, panggil anak mat areh, aku tegur elok2 kata nama baik yang kita beri tu doa, bukan suka-suka bagi. Baik letak Mat Areh dalam surat beranak dia kan. Cuma anak aku tu bahasakan dirinya abang.
Ayam Naik Harga
Ni satu lagi berita yang penting. Lepas ni pakat-pakat la aku makan benda lain nampaknya. seminggu naik sampai RM 1.05. Mudahnya alasan Persekutuan Penternak-Penternak Ayam Malaysia, nak compensate kerugian penternak2 ayam sebelum ni. Diorang yang rugi apasal plak pengguna jadi mangsa. Masa untung tak pulak turunkan harga ayam sampai RM 3 ke.
Raya dan Mercun
Semalam dengar ERA masa balik kerja. Linda Onn tepon artis la tanya pendapat pasal budak yang kena meriam buatan sendiri tuh. So dia tanya hilang meriahke raya ni kalau takde mercun dan meriam semua tu. Good question gone wrong if you ask me. Yang ditanya tu orang dewasa, public figure memangla jawapan mereka semua standard jaga muka.
Misya Omar kata : raya ni meriahnya sebab kumpul sedara mara, adik beradik buat kuih malam2, tak main mercun pun meriah jugak.
Zahid AF kata : takde semua tu pun meriah juga sebab jumpa saudara mara, berjalan menziarah, kalo nak main, main bunga api jer la. kalau nak jugak pi masuk tentera belajar buat letupan.
Angah kata : Tanya yang dewasa memangla, tanya aku pun aku akan jawab camtu. Masalahnya yang merasa keterujaan main meriam/mercun sambut raya ni kebanyakannya budak2 sekolah. tanya la mereka, sure jawabnya tak best la raya tak main kan. Pada aku orang yang kat rumah tu kena tengok la anak2 nih, kalau nampak nak start je main mercun ke, meriam ke, bagi je sedas dua penampar. Setakat nasihat tak jalan dah. Memang keras bunyinya, tapi cuba kita imbas balik zaman kita kecik dulu, masa mak ayah garang giler, berani ke kita buat semua tu? amenda la si Zahid tu kata nak belajar buat letupan pi masuk tentera...kalau budak percaya camne?
Lagi satu aku pelik, pernah dengar tak budak Cina ke budak India ke putus jari, putus tangan masa tahun baru Cina ngan Deepavalli? Kreatif sungguh budak2 Melayu ni kan. Lepas tu nyusahkan orang kena jaga kat sepital.
Dah laaaa...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Puasa aku

Diam tak diam dah 4 hari kita berpuasa kan. Sure tak habis round lagi Pasar Ramadhan yang ada ye tak. Aku tak pegi pun lagik ahahaha. Malas nak meredah Precint 2 tuh. Jadi aku buat ler kuih muih sendiri, setakat ni ada karipap, cucur badak, donut dan rengas yang aku dah frozenkan. Jimat dan dijamin sedap (ikut standard aku la).
Puasa day 1
Abang pun ada kat sini sebab ada meeting ngan client Isnin tu. Bersyukur aku dapat buka puasa pertama dengan dia. Tambah pulak semua adik beradik aku ada. Mak aku punyala hepi tengok anak2 dia berkumpul. Kalaulah ayah masih ada mesti lagi seronok. Petang tu aku ditugaskan cari kuih kat Pasar Ramadhan tapi sebab anak aku sibuk nak tengok bot maka terpaksa divert ke jeti dulu la. Sambil menyelam minum air ahaaaaa, aku dapat beli ikan sembilang yang fresh. baru naik dari sampan. Sekilo RM 9, ok lah kan. Hantar balik rumah dulu mintak mak aku masak asam pedas ngan goreng jintan. Disebabkan dia akan dapat cucu lagi maka permintaan aku pun dilayan laaa. 2 ekor aku mintak kakak ipar aku bakarkan sebab nak masak lemak daun kesum untuk abang.
Buka puasa yang sangat superb. Macam-macam ada. Lepas makan semer aku solat mahgrib tapi separuh jalan. Separuh jalan lagi menyaksikan aku berlari ke sinki dengan lengkap bertelekung. Uweekkkkk!!! keluar balik benda yang aku makan huhuhu. Lesson learnt. makan ringan dulu, solat maghrib dan isyak baru makan berat sebab lepas tu boleh rilek.
Puasa Day 2
Abang jumpa client. Aku kerja. Bawak kereta macam zombie dari Klang ke Putrajaya. Bangun masak untuk sahur pukul 4.30. Lepas solat subuh sambung tidur setengah jam jek. Kat opis plak bos takde sebab bagi ceramah kat PULARIS. Aku pun amik bantal, pi ruang solat zzzzzzzz sampai 10.30 ahahahaha.. ding dong kepala aku.
Balik rumah, abang tepon ada kat pasar ramadhan Meru. Kirim ayam golek. So buka puasa ngan ayam golek yang kira ok je rasanya.
Puasa Day 3
Aku ngan abang keluar sekali, dia balik Kuantan. Aku gi kerja. Sedih la plak kan kena berpisah. Pulak tu hari ni aku kena buka kat rumah sewa ngan member je. Kesiannya aku. Buka puasa dengan cencaru bakar kuah percik, sup sayur dan frozen kuih yang aku bawak je. Buah je aku beli. Tak harap la Pasar Ramadhan kat sini. Mahal nak mamp*s. Kuih satu 40 sen!Sahur pagi tadi dengan roti wholemeal 3 keping dan air milo. Macam biasalah sejak day 1 lagik.
Puasa Day 4
Hari ni dah masuk 4 hari. Mual2 aku masih gak terasa. Tapi cubalah bertahan kan, kerja pun duduk jer kat kerusi tak berapa empuk ni. Petang ni cadang nak masak pajeri terung. Ikan pekasam pun ada lagik. Sambal belacan dan ulam. Goreng cucur badak rasanya. Lambatnya Jumaat. Aku nak berbuka ngan anak aku, ngan mak aku, kat rumah.
Pukul 4 petang bos ajak pi Pasar Ramadhan kat Precint 2. Oklah jugak jualan kat situ. Jumpa Kak Pnut. Mintak dia ajak aku buka puasa kat umah dia (tak malu sungguh aku nih) Kak Pnut nampak kurus laaaaaa... Aku beli 2 jenis lauk. Jadi kansel plan masak eheh...
Cakap pasal Pasar Ramadhan kan, aku rasa kuih kat sini takde kepelbagaian la. kalau kat Kuantan tu segala mak nenek kuih ada. Puas hati betul nak memilih dan membeli. Hujung minggu ni nak balik sana kalau sempat. Nak meronda Pasar Ramadhan yang berlainan setiap hari kat Cenderawasih, Taman Tas, Pokok Buluh, Tepi Stadium. Erkkkkk tapi aku cuma cuti 3 hari. Sempat ke ahahahahaha.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ihya Ramadhan

Some pictures as promised

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wrap ups

Another long due posting. I have no excuse actually. It's just that I'm living a scheduled life. Very routine, very predictable, very boring to say the least.
Except that abang was here the whole of last week for Asia Cycling Championship, 3 days in Cheras and another 4 days in Putrajaya. So we had lunch together every single day. Other than that? nope, nothing happen, just meetings, paper works, reports and what not.
Attended the convocation on the 19th. Alhamdulillah, after 6 months of painstaking course (that include weeks uotdoor modules of army, police, fire department, BTN, out bound malaysia, penempatan daerah) and indoor modules of endless assignments, tasks, paperworks, exams.... we are all proud to receive the Diploma. I'll upload the pictures later. Only abang accompanied me to the ceremony. Many of us sebatang kara jek ahahaha... Congratulation Angah! and the rest of DPA session 2/2004!
Abang didn't buy me the flower I badly wanted (but I didn't mention it to him, hoping he'd understand)hahahaha, so jealous looking at others taking pictures with flowers you know! That night, he presented me a handbag! "Bunga kalu bagi pun nanti layu buat apa, abang bagi handbag boleh pakai lama" Very true indeed. Thank you abang. I asked him though "kenapa besar abang beli, kecik sket kan ke comel kan?" he answered this " senang isi pampers ngan botol susu anak masa pergi beraya nanti" BULEH KA? hahahaha. Ni hadiah untuk aku ke untuk anak2 dia? Apapun, memang praktikal camtu kan.
Ramadhan is around the corner. Will be my second Ramadhan being away from abang. But this is the sacrify we have to make for the betterment of our future. Harap puasa aku tak rongak tahun ni.

Friday, September 08, 2006

dendam kesumat?

Pernah tak korang rasa atau fikir camni bila teringat atau ternampak atau terserempak dengan orang yang korang memang menyampah/meluat/tak nak jumpa....*tambah list

1. Plan benda-benda tak masuk akal untuk kenakan dia
2. Langgar jer kalau tengah drive
3. Tegur pastu laserkan dia
4. Pastikan kita lebih daripada dia dalam semua segi, kalau dia pakai kancil kita pakai naga!
5. Doa biar hidup dia miserable
6. Porak perandakan hidup dia dengan apa cara sekalipun
7. Lempang je kalau jumpa
8. tambah list sendiri laaa....

Pernah tak korang rasa puas hati/menang sampai korang cakap "padan muka dia"/ "rasakan" / "puas hati aku" bila korang dengar orang yang korang menyampah/meluat/tak nak jumpa.... *tambah list... tu ditimpa apa-apa kesusahan laa macam accident ke, awek lari ke, kereta kena tarik ke....

Soalan aku seterusnya....

Bagaimana cara nak membaikkan fikiran kita ni supaya tak fikir camtu, tak niat camtu, let bygone be bygone laaa kiranya.

Camne nak hadapi orang yang kita menyampah/meluat/tak nak jumpa....*tambah list... sekiranya la kan terserempak. Senyum? salam? buat bodoh? buat tak nampak? ke lempang jer?

Apa kejadahnya entri aku nih?

Petang semalam aku terserempak ngan mamat bongek tuh lagi laaaaaa. Bodo betul laaaaa. Nak aje aku lempang muka dia, mujur aku dalam kereta. Nak langgar kang kena tangkap polis plak. Nak bakar rumah dia, rumah teres plak. Orang lain jadi mangsa kang. Yang aku tak tahan tuh buat muka tuh! kalau buat bodoh jer tak per la.... ni buat muka tuh!

Dendam sungguh aku ni laaaa.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Reports! letters! On the Double!!

Super Duper Busy. That explains my entryless blog. Reports to finish, letters to write and send to respectives directorates and departments. All because of one event on Friday. I can die standing lah! Gone were my days in the gym after work. I haven't go to the gym for about 3 weeks, my appetite is good and I eat like nobody business. Need to find time to exercise. Some light exercise perhaps. My usual routine would be 1 hour on stationary bike, cycling at 25-30km/p (as shown on the meter) and 1/2 hour of weight lifting for muscle building. With my condition now, I'm planning 15-20km/p on stationary bike for 30-45 minutes and another 1/2 hour weight lifting, maybe using 2lbs dumb bell instead of 5lbs I usually use. Hopefully I can go to the gym tomorrow, crossing my fingers here...already consulted a doctor... so no worries.
Abang will be here for Asian Cycling Championship 2006 for a week and he'll stay after the event for my graduation scheduled on 19th September 2006 at Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC). Sapa rasa nak bagi aku bunga jemput la datang ramai-ramai ahahaha. Will receive my scroll (ada scroll ke?) from the new appointed Secretary General for the Government. My baju istiadat still fits (the last time I tried it on that is.. erkkk)
Amenda laaa sotkaba nih kan, gambar siti lebam kat leher pun nak tayang, jadi berita. Carik la berita yang bermanfaat sket, cerita yang senonoh sikit kalau ya pun nak melariskan jualan.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Masih tak hilang

After very long weekend, I managed to drag my feet to the office. Where do I start to explain my absence from blogging world. Well....
I was.. say... quite sick last week. Light fever with very bad cough. I thought it was just pregnancy related illness. But come Friday, I couldn't hold it anymore, luckily abang was here for a program organised by Ministry of Health. I took an EL and we went straight to the hospital.
I did a blood test, for fear of dengue. Damn the nurse, busy chit-chatting that she had to poke me with that needle 3 times. Sakit laaaa.. The result was negative, my fever was caused by bacteria. So got myself a bag full of medicine.
Got an MC for 2 days (28-29 August) another blood tests to follow. Just to make sure I was free from any disease. What to do.. consequences I have to face for delaying a treatment I supposed to get much sooner. Lesson learned!
On meloya-loya and muntah-muntah thingy, not yet experienced, I didn't experience those during my first pregnancy either. Abang suffered them for me. Hopefully this time too... sori la abang... sakit bersalin lin tanggung occay!
Thanks all for your wishes via phone and blog. Alhamdulillah, Allah has bestowed His blessing upon our family. We've been trying for another child since early this year and He granted us our wish. I'm 6 weeks pregnant, a long way to go untill April 25th 2007. Pray for our safety...
I experienced a misscarriage April last year (8 weeks), thus the feeling is mixed. I'm so happy yet so worried if it'll happen again this time. But I leave that to The Almighty. He knows what's the best for me.
But hey! I really miss breastfeeding. Alhamdullillah, I'm given yet another chance to exclusively breastfeed my child, InsyaAllah. It was a year and a half with Arief, I hope to be able to extend it to 2 years with Arief's sister/brother.
Siti & Datuk K vs Mawi & Ina
My sister took another TV in my mum's room and put it beside the TV in the living room. Afraid she might lose an important moment(s) in both programmes, she swiched on both TV's. "tak payah tukar channel, senang" very clever!
My views, just another strategy to ensure high ratings. I watched both programmes (have to maaa) for 1/2 hour and that's it.
Pssttt.. I cannot help from remembering two characters from Shrek - Lord Farquat and Fiona when I looked at Datuk K and Siti sitting on the dais. hahahahaha very evil la my thought. On Mawi and Ina... boriinggg... yesterday's news laaa...but I cannot help myself from laughing when Ina sang, alahai... slang jawanya KOK pekat sangat Ina...(this part, I watched)
Apapun, selamat berbahagia laaa

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tak Hilang...

Phew... almost 2 weeks without a single entry posted here. I was busy with a course in INTEKMA Resort, all went well alhamdulillah. I was happy though, had a chance to be with my teruna all week, travelling from Klang to Shah Alam everyday on a scooter. Yup! Angah merempit minggu lepas ahahahaha.. abang objected at first but his wife was so keras kepala that he had to gave in.

I must compliment INTEKMA sales manager for being very helpful throughout the course. The food I tell you was really great. Buat aku tambah gemuk :D

Abang was here last weekend for Kuala Lumpur Mountain Bike Challenge at Bukit Kiara. I went there on Saturday as Pokya and Awie registered for the race. Decided to stay home on Sunday since it was so hot and I doubt my teruna will stay put the whole event. dengan jerebu semua, better stay at home. Abang told me that the team (La Squadra Le Tua) missed Arief. My son has become the team's mascot in one way or another, he himself is close to them. All are uncles to him, babysitters to me ahahahaha.

Oh... I went to Cash Converters and got myself a brand new barbeque set. It uses gas to heat lava rock (or was it granite?)No more hassle of using arang kayu eheheh.. With the month of Ramadhan closing in, me think it's a good investment. Hari2 boleh panggang ikan, ayam, daging, yummy!

Yesterday was the happiest day of my life. I've been praying and He answered my prayers. Alhamdullillah. Aku bersyukur atas kurniaan Mu ini Ya Allah.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I love taking pictures. Kodak moments of my life. I take all kinds of pictures just for the fun of it. It's fun to look at those pictures and try to remember back the moments. My craze is of course my teruna. His first everything! The cost of developing the pictures will make a hole in my pocket. Thus most of his pictures are still in softcopy format.

These are the dresses I promised you to publish. Which cost me RM850 huhuhu. Mujur buleh claim.

Baju Istiadat untuk acara malam, I have no idea of when do I actually have to wear this.

Baju istiadat untuk acara siang, I'll wear this on graduation day next month. It comes with a songkok. Musti kelako ekekekeke

My hunny bun sugar plum with cars. Not his mind you. Those cars belong to uncles of Le Squadra Le Tua. We were at their house in Sungai Buloh after the race in Kelana Jaya.

"Ibu.. abang aiya ala colat" (translation : Ibu, abang haiya ala al-solah). My teruna's version of tahiyah al-akhir. Bersila tuh ahahaha
I still owe you all pictures of the carrier on my car. Wait aaa... let me godeh2 the files first.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm Back

Week's random oder, so to say...
Malakoff Duathlon Series in Putrajaya on 30th July. I was there with both abang and our teruna. Went back to Klang and departed to Kuantan after Maghrib.
A day break in Kuantan. Went nowhere except to Taman Bandar for a jog.
Tuesday saw us departing to Kuala Terengganu for the seminar. 4 days in Grand Continental. With abang and our teruna tagging along, very hard for me to concentrate on my work...waiting the clock strikes 5.30pm. Ayooo... the rest is history. Sight seeing, meeting friends the usual stuff. It's not my first time in Kuala Terengganu anyway.
Friday, 4th August. We headed back to Kuantan. A quick stop at Paka to meet a dear friend of mine. Had lunch anfd off we went, Abang had to submit a document to Forestry Department. Anyway, congratulation Tini! I'm happy for you.
Jom Heboh is in Kuantan but I had no intention to go, though it's just 2 km away from my house, I just HATE crowded places. Instead, abang and me went through initial documents for Kuantan Duathlon Series scheduled early next year. Last year was a success, need to start early. We are looking for new sponsors. Ontahsapo... nak jadi sponsor t-shirt/banner/bunting tak?
We departed to Klang after Isya' on Saturday. My teruna slept the entire journey.
And yesterday... we went to Kelana Jaya for a Criterium Race, and lepak at Le Squadra Le Tua's place afterwards.
A week full of journeys and activities for angah & co. and yes, dompet memang nipis laaaa

Friday, July 28, 2006

Yang Dinanti

"Abang Gabit wannabe"

Glorious day should I say? last day of working, my husband is on his way here, my teruna is at home playing with his 'abang gabit' (motosikal mainan). The family will be re-united after a month separated. I am happy. Oh.... talking about my son's latest craze. It's motorcross! and his favourite rider is Habibullah aka Gabit. No wonder he shouts ABANG GABIT! ABANG GABIT! everytime he sees a motorcycle. He can identify Gabit amongst the riders. Buleh ka? And my husband, when told about this, said "boleh la abang belikan motosikal bateri tu, tak mahal dalam RM500 jer, bateri buleh charge, macam kat rumah Yati tu, biar dia pusing2 kat beranda rumah emak" Me, being a dutiful Finance Minister of the house firmly said NO! better use the money to buy something better.

Plans for this weekend? Will be in Damansara tomorrow, abang is reporting for duty for Putrajaya Duathlon on Sunday. He's one of the commissaire. And I thought the race is in Damansara! gone la my initial plan - 'Le Tour de The Curve/Ikea/Borders' huhuhuhu. Since the event is in Putrajaya, jajahan takluk aku tuh! So aku tak ikutlah on Sunday.

Sunday evening will see us on a journey to Kuantan. So people if you see a blackish green car (is there such colour? errkk) with 2 bicycles on the roof, that would be me ahaha. One day rest in Kuantan on Monday before we depart to Kuala Terengganu on Tuesday morning for a seminar my division is organising.

I'll be in Kuala Terengganu until Friday, with abang and my teruna tagging along. Yeahaaaa combining work with pleasure. I like.....

So this blog will be collecting dust for a week. Till then... have a great weekand and a productive week ahead ( I know I will ehehehe) toodles.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Went to Maroz Tailoring at jalan Masjid India to take no.1 dress (baju istiadat) for my graduation day in September. I was afraid that I cannot fit into the dress... since I did the fitting November last year. Yeahoo..... muat! longgar lagik ehehe.. "biasanya kalau PTD datang ambil baju istiadat mesti kena besarkan, ni kena kecikkan ni jarang2 ni" I took that as a compliment (muntah hijaulah kengkawan). 2 dress (day and night) made me RM850 poorer huhuhu.

Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang dinner tomorrow night at PICC. Ayooo I wish I don't have to go.. demi tugas ku gagahkan jua. Usher jer. What do I wear? hhmmm..

Went to Carrefour last night. Thought of buying my teruna's formula. the usual 6 tins for the whole month. It is sold RM48.90 this time around instead of the usual RM 51.75. BUT limited 2 tins per costumer! I was like...kenapa plak? So I had to buy only 2. Have to go again today and tomorrow for another 4. Another option is to ask my friend to buy it. Eeeiiii.. susu pun kena catu? Ingatkan gula jer.
Watched news last night on the demise of Hani Mohsin Hanafi. I couldn't possibly imagine the grieve her daughter went through, witnessing the whole incident. Her cries reminds me of my sister's cries when our father passed away in 2001, my sister was 8. "Kak Lin, Noni dah takde ayah, kenapa cepat sangat Noni takde ayah?. I didn't have any answer, I just held her close and said that Allah loves ayah more than we do. I admired the way Datuk Seri Effendi Nawawi consoled Hani Karmila, very fatherly... I like.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Now I'm just gonna ramble... don't have to hear me out...
Got a call from a so called friend who whined and whined endlessly on how pathetic her life is. I just sat and try to absorb everything she said and went hmm and hmm and hmm. Okay, her life is pathetic, at least to her. I was trying my best to console her, telling her that it is not the end of the world, that she is lucky compared to other miserable being I wont mention here.
But hey... that was not an easy task. It was impossible to say the least. She was impossible! I mean come on, being married to a businessman who runs his business 24/7 (as she claimed) and not being there for her everytime she wants to go shopping, not returning her calls once in a while, not having time to have breakfast together... the list goes on.. CONCLUSION : HE DOESN"T HAVE TIME FOR ME!
I told her that she is lucky, though her husband is quite busy, they can still see each other every single day. I told her to make the best of it, spend quality time together. BUT NO! what she wanted was for her husband to be with her all the time! And for the record, this friend of mine just got married about 6 months ago.
Oh.. she's a full time house wife. I told her to get a job. BUT NO! she said she planned to be a dutiful housewife, as she plan raise her children on her own. I was like.. what the ****, saying one thing and acting in another. If you have chosen the life you want, then live it! don't whine!
I told her to think rationally, practically, that marriage is not about two people glued to one another all the time. It's about adjusting one's life to suit another. It's all about planning and make sure the plan materialised. Since her husband is a businessman, and busy almost all the time, surely she has to plan their activity ahead. BUT NO! she said she like spontaneity. *rolled eyes* - spontaneity my a*ss!
Ok.. I was still trying to my very best, listening and consoling her.... but her remarks after that saw my patience vanished into thin air!
She : ko takkan faham angah, ko tak rasa sunyi macam aku rasa, ada suami tapi asyik tak de masa untuk aku.
Me : at least tiap hari ko jumpa dia, aku ni dok asing lagik, ujung minggu baru jumpa.
She : setakat jumpa waktu malam, takde pegi mana2, tak buat apa2 best, baik tak payah jumpa.
Me : (at this point I snapped!) Well lady! stop living in a cinderella world will you! you have not experience the feeling of having to live separately from your husband and your child. I have and I still am, and I tell you, it sucks! Baik tak payah jumpa you tell me? try it for a month, no no.. a week. then give me a call.
Me : Friend or no friend, don't say things you don't know to a right person at a wrong time! Calling me in the middle of a night, hoping I would understand your non-existence problem, I am here, living 400km away from my husband and 80km away from my son, hoping to meet them at every chance I get, and you tell me "baik tak payah jumpa?" just because you couldn't drag your husband here and there. You live under one roof for goodness sake! Why can't you be thankful?
(I switched off my handphone!)
I'm just gonna wait if she still has guts to call me. I don't care if she doesn't anyway. I don't lose a thing, losing her as a friend maybe.... but she's not the only friend I have.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

be someone else?

If you were given a chance to be someone else, even for a single day, who would you prefer to be and why?

Simple question, hard answer. Was flip flapping a megazine when the question popped out.
Most of us want to be rich and famous, and yeah... super duper beautiful and a body to die for... BAH! and then what? an awfully handsome husband, other women drool over? and then what? children so spoiled that they deserve a kick or two in the a*ss? and then what? naahhh.. money cannot buy happiness.. is it?
And what is happiness really? a stroll in a park with a loved ones? a house full of kids they ran amok at a given chance? big job, big car, big house? seeing your ex lives miserably with his beautiful Bimbo with a capital B wife? seeing your children grow up? How about having all the above? will we be happy then? Will it last?
Nothing last forever.. that's for sure. Ask me the question, I rather be me, myself and I. Grabbing any chance there is to be happy the way I want it. Happiness is an abstract thing, your definition might well be different from mine but I bet, the feeling is similar.
Speaking of being someone else. I got a chance to be a firefighter, a soldier and a policewoman, a week each, during my 6 month course last year. What an experience! Having to wear breathing apparatus, putting out fire of all sorts, journey in the sewer, scuba, handling M16, battle innoculation, jungle trekking in spike boots, road blocks, handling revolver.... I am thankful I'm just another desk officer! But I'm happy to have the chance to be in their shoes, experiencing their daily routine even for a week.

ASP cadet for a week ahahaha.. can laaa..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wrap ups

Very long weekend indeed, nursing a sick child. Took 2 days off, Monday and yesterday monitoring my son's condition. .
We went to clinic on Friday after I got back from work, runny nose and cough my poor child was. The early symptom of bronchitis. We had some fun at Pantai Remis on Saturday (the bronchitis symptom was not that bad that day). Arief started to wheeze that night, but not that alarming.
Come Sunday, he was ok in the morning but later in the evening he started to cough and vomit. Went to the clinic again and this time we had him nebulized for the upteenth time this year. I started to wonder, whether it'll leave any side effects. He slept a baby sleep that night. What a relief.
Took 2 days of, Monday and yesterday to monitor his condition. Had nebulizer sessions both days. Pity my son...Called Bilik Gerakan on Monday, and as suspected the air quality index was at 80-85 in Klang, all because of forest fire at Ijok, Kuala Selangor. No wonderlah Arief's bronchitis visited him yet again.
I am a walking zombie today. My body is here in the office but my heart is at home with him. Called mum a dozen times today just to check up on Arief's progress. Alhamdulillah.. he seems better mum said.
I wish abang were here... coz sometimes I feel helpless. Seeing my son undergoes the treatment month after month is heartbreaking. Not being able to be with him everyday while he's sick is sickening. I need emotional support. I feel drained!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

sirih junjung

Pic 1 : Kos RM 30

Pic 2 : selitkan bunga kapur/pinang/gambir

Pic 3 : "sirih junjung asal ada"

Dua sirih junjung yang aku buat baru-baru ni.Dua yang atas tu memang aku hadiahkan sempena perkahwinan kawan baik aku kat Banting.Yang bawah tu aku buat untuk pakcik hubby aku secara ad hoc, bidan terjun, pakai apa yang ada jer. Ada gak pattern lain selain yang tradisional cam ni. Terpulang pada pelanggan nak camne la. Yang popular bentuk ni la.


This is my schedule for the upcoming weeks so to say.. I'll die standing.. BAH!

22nd - 23rd July - Pahang Mountain Bike Challenge, Pekan Pahang. I heard he Sultan will be coming, quite a big event. As usual angah the result towkay.

26th July - A day trip to Kuala Terengganu. Checking hotel's facilities for a seminar.

1st - 4th August - Seminar in Kuala Terengganu. Urusetia je, considered holiday can or not?

14th - 18th August - Photography course in Cameron Highlands. Urusetia again, another holiday perhaps?

16th September - Division's family day - Sungai Congkak, it will be kenduri kampung style, sembelih lembu lagik...

19th September - CONVOCATION!!!!! yeahaaaa... after the hardwork, the sleepless night, everything we had to go through for 6 months. Hopefully the no.1 dress stills fit ehehe..need to do some alteration I guess since the fitting was done in December. This is already July and I've gained feew pounds huwaaaaaa!!!

so people please set your appointments in between the dates mentioned ahahahaha...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Side Income

Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal side income. Aku adala cita-cita nak berniaga tapi tak tau nak berniaga apa. Angan-angan kena ada. 9 daripada 10 rezeki tu kan berpunca daripada perniagaan kan. Kerja sekarang bukan la tak bagus, untuk selesa tu boleh tapi untuk kaya raya pakai kereta brabus tuh tak le eheh (kuat angan-angan aku).
Abang memang la berniaga sekarang ni. Dia banyak galakkan aku gunakan kebolehan aku ntuk generate income. Betul jugak cakap dia kan. Aku adalah kebolehan sket bab-bab buat hantaran, bunga telur, bunga manggar, sirih junjung, door gift, senang cakap kerja-kerja kreatif tangan ni la. Jadi aku pun ambil upah buat sikit-sikit kat rumah. Barang2 semer pelanggan beli di kedai yang aku tau murah. Aku cuma buat je. Modal tak de lagi.
Masa aku kawen dulu, bunga telur je aku buat 1500 batang, belum campur ngan door gift bagai. Murah dan ikut citarasa sendiri. Jangan tak percaya bunga untuk 1200 batang tu aku kait! Ntah berapa banyak gulung benang bulu aku pakai ntah. Aku tak ingat. Punya la nak kelainan. aku ingat lagik, minggu selepas aku kawen tu ada majlis Maulidur Rasul kat sekolah adik aku, memasing kena bawak bunga telur sorang sebatang. Majoriti budak bawak bunga telur aku tu hahahaha
Kengkadang balik Kelantan tu aku pergi Rantau Panjang atau Wakaf Che Yeh tengok design yang aku boleh tiru ehehe, beli la jugak material untuk buat kerja. Kan murah kat sana kan. Kalu sebungkus besar pot pouri (besar bantal) tak sampai RM 10 pun. Kat sini cuba tengok!
Buat masa sekarang ni aku banyak buat door gift masjlis kawen sedara mara ngan kengkawan ikut kehendak mereka. Kengkadang tu sengaja aku bagi hadiah kat sensapa aku kenal, bila diorang bagi kat tetamu sure nama aku naik kan, dapatlah aku panjangkan rantai perniagaan yang amat kecil ini.
Ni projek besar-besaran untuk majlis perkahwinan adik aku plak. Since dia dah lantik aku jadi wedding planner eheheh.. boleh la ku jadikan landasan untuk kenalkan kerja aku ni pada kengkawan dia dan kengkawan pada kengkawan dia dan sedara mara kengkawan pada kengkawan dia....Masa dia bertunang pun aku buatkan hantaran. Mudah dan simple. Letak dalam kotak, guna bunga segar sebagai hiasan. baju tunang dia pun aku jahitkan manik.
Angan-angan aku, bila dah cukup modal aku nak bukak kedai. Buat service benda2 camtu. Ada kawan aku ni pulak teror jahit menjahit langsir, tirai, baju semua. Boleh buat join venture kan. Baju-baju untuk aku pergi function pun banyak aku tempah kat dia. Itu angan-angan la, tapi start ngan angan-angan baru boleh jadi cita-cita kan. Boleh aku pakai brabus ahahahaha
Pendapatan aku? tak tentula, bergantung pada tempahan jugak. Tapi boleh la nak menampung keperluan aku kat sini. Especially keperluan yang banyaknya tak perlu pun ahahahaha. Yang pasti aku minat kerja-kerja tangan camtu. Aku enjoy buat. Orang kata kalau kita bukak perniagaan yang kita suka, senang nak berjaya. InsyaAllah.
Try upload gambar tak leh plak, nanti lah aku letak hasil kerja tangan aku.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Everything yet nothing

"i want to break free?"
Mawi and Ina officially called off their enggagement. It was expected of them after the hu ha hu ha in the media. I was not suprised! But something tickles me though... put it this way... I laughed my head off! Mawi asked Ina to return all his photographs. Lawak antarabangsa betul laaaa...macam budak budak baru belajar bercinta! If Ina asked Mawi for her photographs I can accept laa.. but the latter? takut kena mandrem ke? Lets say, I said lets say.. someone wants to mandrem him for some reasons unknown, he or she won't have to have Mawi's photo laaa.. melambak poster dia kat sotkaba, kat majalah! gunting je, bawak kat Tok Bomoh true or not? Let them be.
Advertisement : Calling all female, single, aged 18-23, preferably wearing veil, pleasant looking to apply a post as girl friend. Send in 4R sized photo. Post will be upgraded to fiancee based on performance.
Any takers? BAH!
Watched Buletin Utama last night on Yusry-Era divorce affirmation. It seemed that they were closer now. Very the pelik la. "We'll remain friends forever" why married in the first place I wonder? Let them be.
I hate them!
They made their own conclusion, after baseless discussion based on hearsay and assumption. They are very good, in fact the best!
Assumption :
1. I live separately from my husband because I have marital problem
2. and I dont want any more children
3. and I run after money
4. and I hate my in laws
5. and.. tle list continues
Discussion :
1. Why, what, when, who, where of the list above
2. Some things that I was supposed to take you know, move back to Kuantan, resign and be a housewife since my husband is working.
1. I am a very bad person, not good enough to remain married to my husband!
2. I am a selfish being
2. sell my stories all over the places, preferably at weddings/relatives get together.

Friday, July 07, 2006


My desk's in mess, my head's cluttered up, my vision's blurred, my body's ached... all because an assingment I have to finish. So many documents, references you name it and I have to analyse them and come out with a full blown analysis. Ayoooo.... being a kuli batak I am, have to laaa. All because people up there have made a decision. Take the positive side...I'll sharpen up my skills, thus giving me advantage for future tasks.
On different story, will be going to Kuala Terengganu for a week end of the month for a seminar. Hopefully there'll be extra room so I can bring along hubby and our teruna. Mixing work with pleasure, how fun! End of month and Terengganu, very bad combination, a threat to my hubby's pocket hahahaha..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Balik Kampung

Basikal oh basikal, sudah ada carrier untukmu berdua...

Jumaat lepas, aku balik Kuantan sorang-sorang. Jam 6.00 petang dari Putrajaya. jam 10.00 malam sampai di Kuantan. Singgah di R&R Temerloh membasah tekak, mencuci muka dan solat. Teruna, aku tinggalkan kat Klang. Agaknya kalau tak jem di Jalan Duta ngan BUlatan Batu Caves, jam 9 lebih aku dah boleh sampai. Abang kata drive slow-slow. Aku mmg drive slow pun, maintain 110kph jer.
Ceria hujung minggu, penuh dengan acara menghabiskan masa berkualiti bersama suami. Kami ke Pekan, meninjau tapak Kejohanan Mountain Bike. Abang pengarah teknikal kejohanan. kami jalan-jalan carik makan, carik pasal eheh. Lama sungguh tak ke Teluk Chempedak, memang ramai manusia. Pelukis jalanan, badut pun ada. Aku beli aiskrim, makan2 sambil jalan2 tengok orang! bukan tengok pantai hahaha...
Satu benda aku belajar, kalau dah tau lamb chop kat satu kedai ni sedap, jangan ngada2 nak makan kat tempat lain. Kau cuma akan dapat lamb chop yang terlebih garing, dengan sos black pepper yang pedas tahap dewa bersama kentang goreng hangit dan sayur kobis cincang dengan RM10 yang kau bayar. Ya.. aku belajar daripada kemalasan abang untuk carik parking di kedai yang selalu kami pergi tu.
Fiat Marea aku bukan Fiat Marea yang dulu. Fiat Marea aku sekarang ada carrier cap Thule di bumbungnya dengan 3 (ya.... 3) pemegang basikal. Dengan rupa terbarunya ini aku telah berjaya menipiskan akaun bank. Adalah beberapa ribu huhuhu.. Teruna aku dah tak boleh menjulurkan badannya kat bukaan sun roof dah hahahaha... bagus jugak! Lepas ni senang aku laki bini nak bawak basikal, tak payah dah bukak2, cabut2, simpan2, pasang2 setiap kali nak travel.
Petang semalam aku drive balik Klang lepas zuhur. Abang tepon aku pada kadar kekerapan setengah jam sekali (tak percaya yang isterinya ni drive slow eheh) Sampai rumah, teruna aku dah terpacak depan pintu... "Ibu...ibu...ibu..." Alahai.. merdunya suara tu.... satu malam menepek kat ibu, melepas rindu agaknya.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

setuju atau tidak?

anak aku makan laksa tanpa kuah "edash laa ibu"
Setuju atau tidak kalau aku katakan :
1. Ibu lebih prihatin dengan kesihatan anak, ada natural instinct yang bisikkan, sesuatu perlu dilakukan untuk kesihatan anak. Ayah biasanya akan kata "ala demam biasa saja tu, kan dah pergi klinik" Akhir cerita..... ayah terpaksa angguk-angguk setuju dengan ibu.
2. Ayah kata kalau ibu nak minta tolong cakap saja. Tapi bila ibu minta tolong ayah kata itu semua kerja ibu, kerja isteri. (Ibu pun kerja office.. tau penat juga, kan rumahtangga tu perkongsian susah senang)
3. Ayah perdana menteri tetapi ibu menteri kewangan, menteri di jabatan perdana menteri, menteri kerjaraya, menteri sumber manusia, menteri luar, menteri dalam negeri......menteri itu menteri ini (aduhhh banyaknya jawatan)
4. Ibu buatkan ayah secawan kopi sebab tanggungjawab, sebab nak kejar title isteri solehah. Pernah tak ayah ambilkan ibu segelas air kosong untuk penghilang dahaga lepas penat balik kerja, memasak, melayan anak, melipat baju bla bla bla
5. Bila ayah sakit, ibu jagakan dia dan anak. Bila ibu sakit, ayah tetap pergi kerja. Anak pun ibu hantar dan ambil dari taska, sebab ibu cuti.
6. "Ayang, tolong kejutkan abang pukul 2.30 pagi nanti, abang nak tengok bola, final match"
7. ........
8. ........
(sila tambah mengikut selera, akan diupdate dari semasa ke semasa)
Disclaimer : Cuma sebahagian contoh yang selalu kita (isteri dan ibu) dengar, lihat dan alami. Bukan semuanya begitu, cuma sebahagian sahaja. Yang baik jadi teladan yang buruk jadi sempadan.

Monday, June 26, 2006

We had fun

We had so much fun! My first time meeting with these wonderful people from gengjurnal. I'm a member, the senyap one though. Arrived at Bagan Lalang after 2 hours drive from Klang pheww.. it was that far! Among the first to arrive. It was a potluck. I brought laksa penang. And my laksa was voted the best potluck ehehehehe...
My teruna.. ahah! memula malu laaaa lepastu tak boleh handle dah! The best thing about gatherings is this : you'll get a free babysitter for a day.. hahahahaha...everybody is willing to look after your child(ren).
After makan-makan session was terjun laut session. How ironic... 4 years living in Kuantan, not even once did I mandi laut at any beach there, Teluk Chempedak, Batu Hitam, Cherating, name it... and last Saturday.. I managed to soak myself wet, not mandi though.. melayan teruna aku tu main air di Bagan Lalang. hmmmm
Amat malang! I left my camera behind. hampeh laaaa
Arrived home at 8.30 pm. My teruna? masuk kereta, hisap susu, zzzzzzzzzzz..all the way home.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Aku Gumbira

My desktop : My teruna

I was sooooo happy yesterday. Drew some money ( it wasa pay day) to buy my teruna's 6 tins of Pediasure and 3 packs 0f XL60 huggies dry. Went to Carrefour Alamanda to shop. Took a trolley, push it here and there looking for things on the list. Was at formula section and the 10% discount on all formula made me smile (more than that actually). The usual RM51.75 a tin was RM46.57. I saved more than RM30...

Moved on to diapers section. Huggies was sold at RM33 only (2 packs per customer) ahaaaa luckily I was witha friend, asked her to pay for another 2. Bought some other things too.

I went back with 6 tins of Pediasure and 4 packs of huggies. I was a happy mum.

Abang will be here tomorrow (pleasant suprise eheh) coz his niece enters a treasure hunt in Midvalley. Since her sister will surely lose her way here, abang voluntereed to be her driver. Bonus for both my teruna and me lah kan.. Planned to buy more Pediasure while it's on sale...

Tomorrow's plan. Will be joining gengjurnal for a makan-makan session (potluck) at Bagan Lalang in conjunction with The International Webloggers Day. My first gathering since 2004. I think of bringing Laksa Penang and Creme Caramel.

Will be with abang and SIL at Midvalley Megamall for the treasure hunt event. Maybe a movie afterwards. My teruna has been pestering me to watch cars. Macamlah paham.... but for him, anything. But watching a movie with this one chirpy toddler could be a problem, a DVD version will do then...oh heck! I'll be listenging to lagu beyor for the upteenth time tomorrow and the day after..... come monday and my ears will still ring the dikir song huuaaaaa

So what's your plan for this weekend?

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Hilarious is it not? when we are in a middle of a conversation with someone from a diferent custom for the first time, hoping that both of us would understand and comprehend the subject matter, given the fact that both of us using the same language with different connotation..
I remember vividly my first accounter with a Kelantanese during my years in matriculation centre. It was a week after registration and I decided to go to central market. I invited Kak Jue to come along
Me : Kak Jue, jom pegi central market
K. Jue : buleh gok... tok rajin gi lagi
Me : tak rajin? malas ke?
K. Jue : eh buke... errr.. tok penoh
Me : ooo tak pernah..
K.Jue : gi selalu ko?
Me : Tak lah.. kadang-kadang je... (I answered innocently hahahahahaha)
K. Jue : (looked puzzled)
After a month or so I finally grasped most of the dialect. And guess what? Both my FIL and MIL are Kelantanese.
A friend of mine from Penang, Najwa. There was one day, I felt hungry and wanted to grab some food so I asked her if she want to come along
Me : najwa, jom pi kantin, lapar la
Najwa : segan la nak pi, hang pi la..
Me : apa nak segan kan, kan ke semua makcik2 je bukan ada lelaki pun
Najwa : laaaaa...segan tu malaih laaaa
Me : cakapler malas... kalau kat sini segan tu malu
Najwa : tu laa itik cakap ngan ayam hahahahaha
Me : ha'ah ko itik aku ayam...ayam comel sikit banyak kaler
I'm half javanese. So some of my friends like to ask about the language. You know what are these and those in some extend, I felt a bit annoyed, ye lah kalo lepas tanya tu ada kutuk kutuk sikit kan..We were having kuih cek mek molek one evening when K. Jue started yet again what-are-these-in-your-languange game...
K. Jue : oghe Kelate pangge ubi stelor
Me : ooo.. kat sini keledek
Najwa : sama la
K. Jue : Angah, oghe jawo pangge apo?
Me : orang jawa panggil sweet potatoes
Over the years I forgot the kelantanese version of keledek, until after I got married when my MIL asked me to buy a kilo of ubi stelor. I had to ask abang what is it? They made fun of me for weeks... hampeh! Same goes to timun cina and timun batang. Tembikai kan senang...
These differences which make us special, uniquely belong to a set of community. Giving us a sense of pride and security, especially when meeting our 'clan' tapi janganlah lupa kawan sebelah bila jumpa geng tuh.....after all we are Malaysians...

Our future generation...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

baby talk

I have nothing to write actually. Today is my lazy day! I have lots of things to do but somehow my brain refuses to compute. I miss my other half and my son miserably! So bear with me, I'm gonna write entirely about my honey bun sugar plum... his chirpy mouth and all.

Situation 1 : in a car on our way to Kapar

Arief : Ibu buat ketam (silang2 jari tangan dia)
Ibu : abang sayang ibu dulu
Arief : takpe abang buat diyi (sendiri)

Situation 2 : in a car on our way to Pasir Mas

Arief : Ibu, nak cucu (susu)
Ibu : Abang kan baru minum, nanti muntah
Arief : cikit aje, tak anyak
Ibu : nanti sampai rumah tok ibu buat ye
Arief : taknak tawan ibu
Ibu : tak nak tawan ibu? abang buat susu sendiri.
Arief : abang tak pandai..
Ibu & ayah : (gelak sampai nak keluar air mata)

Situation 3 : At nenek's house

Ibu : Aqilah ni nangis je (baby my mother looks after)
Arief : Anyan alah qilah, cian iye (jangan marah qilah kesian dia)
Ibu :ibu bukan marah, ibu cakap aje
Arief : ibu tak alah ye.. ibu ayang ye..
Ibu : ha'ah, ibu sayang..
Arief : abang ayang ibu, ayah ayang ibu, qilah ayang ibu, nenek ayang ibu

Situation 4 : everytime Arief's in the car

Arief : ayah nak agu beyok
Ayah : kejap (ayah pasang)
Arief : (listening attentively)
Ibu : (chit chat with ayah)
Arief : ibu niiihhh... iyamlaaa.. abang nyo agu beyok..
Ibu & ayah : speechless

note : lagu beyok is actually a dikir barat song titled Lembu where the lyrics includes :

lembu sapo dio (lembu siapa dia)
lepah sie male (lepas siang malam)
pi rato rato (pergi merata-rata)
supo takdo tue (serupa takde tuan)
berok depe tanggo (berak depan tangga)
genak tengoh jale (segenap tengah jalan)
masuk paga ambo (masuk pagar saya)
dok make anok pise (makan anak pisang)

Guess where he picks up "beyok"? This song will be played repeatedly! until Arief is convinced that the CD dah rosak...hmmm

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Entry bergambar

I'm taking revenge muahahahaha. Since blogger is back to normal, I want to post as many pictures as I can muhahahahaha....

Abang and me during our pakcik's wedding in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. I was all dressed up (really?) and he was only clad in jeans and t-shirt. Penat aku gosok baju... cait! Yer... muntah hijaulah kengkawan dengan pose manja itew..

My teruna and me during makan-makan session in Kota Bharu. My FIL's treat. There were 5 cars altogether (me, 3 of my SIL, my FIL). We managed to make a hole in ayah's pocket hahahaha

Budak debab besar gajah dalam buaian. My honey bun sugar plum.... look at his hands.. tidur pun dengan kereta! Toddler in deep sleep, how calm...

Investment cont.

Here are some pictures of the house we are buying, We think it's worth the money we spent. A corner lot (end lot?), CF ready, built in kitchen cabinet and grills, dome light, plaster ceiling, fully tiles, big area of land, and playground is just infront the house....


Corner (end?) lot

Backyard View

Front view

Another front view

Main area


Main are (with models eheh)

from porch

Side view

Monday, June 19, 2006


I sold my house and in a process of buying another. My hubby and I think that it's a good bargain since the house is completely built. CF ready some more! I'll upload the pictures later. Blogger is goblok again. For some reason not known to me (obviously) it refuses to upload images.
I'm quite my self. Cold and cough have stopped, not completely though. Abang was here the whole week to take care of me. Alhamdulillah. This morning, we had our breakfast, drove separate cars, stopped at Setia Alam toll plaza to kiss goodbye (I mean it literally, he's my husband kan... and it's on the cheeks for the record). Just before Putrajaya/Cyberjaya exit we drove in paralell, bid goodbye...went separate ways... Putrajaya and Kuantan. Other drivers might think that we were some lunatics bah! Do I care? No! I kept thinking for how long can I live this kind of life...... Ya Allah give me strength to live my life the way you have planned for me...Amin.
Oh yeah... misery aside. The new route from NKVE to Meru (Setia Alam) is opened. Joy! Joy! I can save 1 ringgit a journey (Klang-Putrajaya-Klang) since I skipped Shahpadu Highway (40 cent) and I only pay RM 5.40 instead of the usual RM 5.50 from Bukit Raja. And it will take 45 minutes of my time instead of an hour journey before. Yey! I have a reason to smile today onwards.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Down with fever

Was on MC for 2 days... crap! Viral fever attacked. Masih weng sampai sekarang but tonnes of work to settle. So here I am in the office battling with my runny nose, cough, joints ache and freezing temperature.

Have a great weekend people... I know I wont, still have a battle to fight.... my runny nose, cough, joints ache... not the freezing temperature though.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well.... nearly 2 weeks since the last time i posted something here. I was on "unscheduled" holiday so to say. Was supposed to start my leave on 5th - 9th June, I took it early, started on 1st June till yesterday. Why so long? Here's the story, bear with me...
Abang called on 30th May, saying that Ayah wanted us to join him in Kelantan. Given the circumstances at that time. We have to say yes... Thus my son and me departed to Kuantan on 31st May. Nasib baik boss aku sporting.
1st June - Kuantan - Pasir Mas
Next day... we started the journey to Pasir Mas. Reached Pasir Mas at 2.00 a.m! Was supposed to depart at noon but my biras couldn't make it as he had to be on call. Remember the aircrash involving TUDM Hawk aircraft? My biras is one of the Hawk's pilots.. he had to be there for the rescue mission. Well... that left us with only 2 cars on convoi. My teruna was esthatic the whole journey. Slept a good 2 hours, woke up when we reached Kuala Berang, as chirpy as ever until we arrived.
2nd June - Pasir Mas - Ayer Lanas - Kubang Kerian.
Morning saw me helping my MIL decorating the hantaran. At noon we departed to Ayer Lanas for the wedding. It's just a majlis kesyukuran for that matter. My goodness the weather in Kelantan was sooooo hot!!! I had to changed my teruna's clothes more that 3 times the whole event. The fact that we had to eat in the house without a single fan on did not help. I opted out. We sat under a mango tree. After seeing pakcik and our new makcik, we bid farewell. We grabbed our lunch at a nearby restaurant... just to escape the heat! Settling in the car with a full blown air cond was like HEAVEN!! My teruna dozed off almost instantly. Reached Kubang Kerian after Asar. Went straight to Ma Muna's house. Another wedding.
Night was spent at Wakaf Che Yeh. Night also hot! Ayooh. I bought NOTHING! very sad lah. How to buy things when my teruna was clinging like a koala bear, gave a shriek every time I tried to shop! So we went back with only PENAT. Abang dah sakit kepala..
3rd June - Kubang Kerian - Pasir Mas - Kubang Kerian
Went back to Pasir Mas after Zuhur Prayer to help with the preparation for menyambut menantu. My responsibilities was decorating bilik pengantin. As usual there were makcik2 giving their comments..... I played deaf for all I care! Nak tolong pun mujur. Abang was quited angry when MIL asked us (my SIL and me) to do the chore. "macam dah takde orang nak buat kat sini" was abang's reaction. The tirai and cadar are mine mind you... being a DIL, i just kept my mouth shut and did the task.
The actual plan did not materialised... we planned to go to Rantau Panjang today and to pakcik's house at night for majlis menyambut menantu tomorrow. But not to stir things up... so plan was cancelled. To show his protest, abang decided to spend the night at Ayah's house again. MIL was angry, I just knew by looking at her reaction. BUT it was my hubby's decision. Not me. BUT I was glad because I can sleep in a room! Kenduri.. what you expect? given a room to yourself? dream on! aku dah lah tak reti tidur bersepah ni? sleep in tudung some more? So off we went back to Kubang Kerian.
4th June - Kubang Kerian - Pasir Mas - Kubang Kerian
Majlis menyambut menantu. My teruna has started to show his reactions due to the heat. He was having difficulty to breath, runny nose, a slight coughing, cranky almost all the time. I was alarmed when his eczema started to show on his temple, his back. By midday I asked abang if we can go to the nearest pead/clinic for a nebulizer. Off we went. We had our teruna nebulized, some medication to go with it. One matter solved. Went back to Kubang Kerian after Asar. My SIL terus balik Kuantan.
5th June - Kubang Kerian - Kuantan
We headed home after zuhur. I felt a bit different. My throat sore, tonsil dah bengkak, dah start menggeliat, my joints ache. the words Viral Fever kept ringing in my head. Told abang. Reached Kuantan after maghrib, we headed straight away to Penawar. After check-up... sah ler.. kena lagi viral fever aku nih. Oh.. my teruna had his second session of nebulizer. The third and fourth will followsuit. Got MC until Friday
6th- 9th June - Kuantan
The days were spent between looking after my teruna (another sessions of sedut gas) and scenes of makan ubat and scenes of half shouting "arief dont jump/arief dont run/arief jom sleep/arief take medicine" my almost non-existent voice! Ayooo... nursing a sick child when I myself was ill really tried my patience lah... mujur ada abang... he did all house chores, cooking not included. By Friday, I felt better.. my teruna seemed better.
10th June - Kuantan - Klang
Journey home. My teruna slept almost all the way. Reached Klang and I slept a baby sleep, knowing my mum will take care of my teruna.
11th-12th June
Sambung cuti lagi. My joints still ache.
13th June
Here I am, in the office.
So... the holiday I planned... was indeed a holiday! Ada juga hikmahnya bila tak sihat semasa bercuti, duit tak habis dan aku ada banyak masa berkualiti dengan suami dan anak. Kalau sihat, ntahlah... rabak poket aku dan abang mungkin habiskan masanya jadi pemandu jer lah... sebab banyak sangat plan aku nak ke sana sini minggu lepas. Banyak nanti habiskan masa dengan orang lain kan....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'm Back

I was in PD for a course, thus the silence. Nothing much to story, just a course. Full Stop. BUT since it was a co-joint program with Australia High Commission in KL, we didn't have classes at night (omputeh mmg tak suka kelas malam). So there we were, a bunch of gomen officers taking
every chance there was to enjoy ourselves. For a start, we watched Da Vincci Code in Seremban. From PD to Seremban just to watch a movie!, then a stroll on the not so beautiful beach (no offense yeah, it's just my opinion). Day in day out... 4 days were gone. We were scheduled to check out on Friday but why wait till Friday! I checked out on Thursday.

4th Wedding Anniversary

Alhamdullillah. Allah has bestowed his blessing upon us, hubby and me. How time flies..... it has been 4 years since we tied the knot, it's a long journey ahead of us... no doubt.. it won't be a bed of roses but we'll storm it anyway. Ya Allah, peliharalah mawadddah dan rahmah dalam rumah tangga kami, jauhkanlah fitnah dan hasad dengki daripada keluarga kami, kurniakanlah anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah sebagai penyambung kebahgiaan rumah tangga kami.. Amin....

Thank you dear friends for all wishes via e-mail, sms, call, card etc. We appreciate all thoughts and doa' from you guys..

Well...back to the story. Remember.. I checked out on Thursday. It was 25th May, I wanted to celebrate the day I became a wife. I was with a friend from PD to Klang. He dropped me at Jusco Bukit Raja as abang was already there. Planned to watch a movie, well... we watched X-Men.. can do lah the movie. For a person who collects the comic and been following the sequel.. kureng kick lah... but I still drools over Logan (Wolverine) hahahaha..

We went window shopping after the movie. I was head over heels on a Timberland's sandals I tried on. A bit pricey.... nope... too pricey. So that was it. We decided to head home, rindu kat our teruna some more.

Abang handed me the parking ticket, saying he wanted to go to the toilet. I paid and waited for him. What I saw, made me want to hug him there on! He walked towards me with a Timberland paper bag! He bought me the sandals as a wedding anniversary gift. It's just a pair of sandals but the way he presented it..... the element of suprise...I likeeeee. Thank You sooo much abang. The day after, he admitted... "abang sebenarnya tak tau nak belikan apa kat ayang, dah nampak ayang minat ngan sandal tu, abang belikanlah"

And me to him, I gave him... me.... hahahahaha. I bought him an Oakley, cost me a fortune.. phew!!! but for the loved one, price does not matter. At least he'll remember me when he goes cycling.

So our celebration this year is simple... a movie and a gift... which one do I prefer? I certainly prefer his LOVE and AFFECTION.

Move on Angah!

This week will see me running around finishing tasks delayed. Need to finish everything up before Friday since I'll be taking days off next week. A whole week to spent with my other half and our teruna. Half of it in Kelantan and another half in Kuantan. RM will spill over my pocket
like nobody business but the look on our faces is priceless. I'll be spending a lot.. I mean A LOT in Kelantan. Not for me lah... for my sister's wedding. Door gifts, materials for bunga telur, decorative items for hantaran.... don't let me start! Abang said he'll rent a lorry!

Did I say I'll be running around this week... I better start running now!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Masih disini

I'm still here, in the office, on duty, until 12.00 midnight. And I'm still gonna be here, tomorrow, until 6.00 p.m. I'll be in Port Dickson from Sunday until Friday, and back to work on Monday. Boy! I can die standing! but who am I to whine... this is the path I've chosen...*sigh* I MISS BOTH MY BABIES!!!

BUT.. I'll be on leave from 3rd to 10th June. Going back to Kelantan for an uncle's wedding. Because I pity my son, since it'll take hours of journey, thus I'll be on 10.30am flight. There goes my ringgit. Takperlah...sekali sekala..

I have plan ehehe.. I'll make sure to give a tour to Rantau Panjang, Pasar Siti Khadijah and Wakaf Che Yeh. Need to buy my goat's milk soap. So cheap you know.... Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet kasutvincci.

What else to blog? nothing! Oh there's one... I'll be celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary in Port Dickson ALONE...well, the celebration has to wait another day.

Happy wedding anniversary to spyz and engku... wei!!! bila nak pi triple date nih?

have a good weekend everyone..

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Commissaire's wife

Beberapa gambar bersama suami terchenta masa International Mountain Bike Challenge 2006
Buat lap scoring, saja belajar dari Abang sebab aku cadang nak amik jugak kursus ngan test commissaire nih. Kat Australia tuh.. sapa nak sponsor angkat tangan !

Acara belum bermula, dok lepak2 jer lah sambil makan jeruk jabit (anggur). Budak 2 orang kat depan tuh team Le Squadra Le Tua, Nua ngan Keros

Buat announcement masa nak mula acara, dok panggil pelumba yang belum sign on sheet

Pandangan daripada balconi bilik member abang. Aku dok kat chalet yang nampak bumbung tuh

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

best ke?

Ingat best sangat ke jadi ptd ni?

Satu jer jawapan aku.... PENAT! PENAT OTAK! PENAT EMOSI!

Meh lah buat kerja yang kami buat seminggu.. lepas tu nilai semula.

I rest my case.

Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua guru yang pernah mengajar aku, yang menjadikan aku seorang ORANG.
Untuk guru yang paling best dalam dunia Puan Hapbasah binti Pardi dan Encik Muhammad Mifdzal Arief bin Mazlan kerana mengajar aku dengan cara mereka sendiri. Mereka mengajar tanpa kelas, tanpa papan putih, tanpa buku latihan. Mereka mengajar aku dengan kasih sayang tanpa syarat. Terima kasih emak... terima kasih anak ibu...Both of you are my greatest teachers...
Untuk guru-guru sekolah rendah, menengah dan zaman U aku. terima kasih atas ilmu yang dikongsi.
Untuk guru-guru itu.... selamat melayari bahtera rumah tangga. Saya doakan dapat cahaya mata. I forgive both of you but I shall never forget your doings towards my family and me. Case Closed.

Aku suka kata-kata ini :

Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared,is doubled.

If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.

"Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present."

Monday, May 15, 2006

Kesian Anak Ibu

Minggu lepas aku kerja 2 hari je. hari selasa tu terasa2 nak balik rumah. Tak taulah kenapa. Dok teringat2 kat teruna aku. Jadinya balik kerja tanpa singgah rumah sewa aku terus balik Klang. Sampai kat rumah aku pelik jugak kenapa teruna aku takde depa pintu macam biasa bila dengar bunyi kereta masuk. Aku masuk rumah tengok teruna aku dalam buaian. Bibir dia bengkak, masih tersedu-sedan. Aku tanya emak...

Teruna aku jatuh masa dok belari2, jatuh tersembam, gigi atas dia terbenam kat bibir, luka besar, menitis air mata aku tengok keadaan dia masa tu. Emak kata doktor dah check, dah dress the wound. Alhamdulillah. Patutlah aku terasa2 nak balik. Inilah naluri ibu agaknya, we can sense if something bad befalls our child(ren).

Teruna aku terdengar suara aku agaknya.. "ibu...ibu.." serak lemah suara dia daripada dalam buaian. Aku ambil dia dan dukung/pangku/peluk/cium/ dia sepanjang malam. Teruna aku dok mengadu "ulot abang akit... ibu.." Kesian anak ibu. Mujur cuma bibir luar, kalau sebelah dalam lagi lambat nak sembuh, lagi sakit dia.

Rabu dan Khamis aku cuti. Alhamdulillah aku ada 5 hari untuk dia. Aku call abang bagitau keadaan teruna kami. Abang tengah bersedia untuk rally berbasikal jadi aku yakinkan dia, teruna kami in good hands.

Teruna aku minum guna syringe. Makan bubur guna syringe. 2 hari jugaklah. Aku beli syringe besar. Kesian dia sebab appetite ada tapi dia takut nak buka mulut. Tengok orang makan biskut, buah, mee, dia nak tapi tak boleh makan. Sakit mulut katanya. Bila tak dapat dia menangislah. Aku pun ikut sama hujan...

Pantang hilang kelibat aku mesti menangis. Hatta aku nak berak, nak mandi, nak solat pun aku mintak izin dia. Buleh? Hari Jumaat, aku tengah solat Zuhur, dia start nangis carik ibu, last2 aku batalkan solat sebab emak pun tak boleh pujuk dah. Aku nak elak dia menangis banyak sebab bibir dia sakit. takut berdarah semula.

5 hari teruna aku dok melekat cam beruang koala. Nak berdukung, tidur cam biasalah sure jadi bantal peluk.

Alhamdulillah by Saturday dah boleh guna sudu untuk makan. Minum dah guna straw. Bengkak pun dah surut. Tinggal tunggu baik betul je. Punya susah nak yakinkan dia makan guna sudu tak sakit, minum guna straw tak sakit. Satu tahap aku paksa dia. Bila dah terbukti tak sakit baru nak.

Hari ni pun aku berbelah bagi nak ke pejabat. Aku gagahkan hati jugaklah. Emak aku ada. Hari ni aku kerja sampai 12 tgh malam. Malam ni tidur Putrajaya. Esok sampai Jumaat aku akan berulang dari Klang. Biar duit habis, janji aku dapat jaga anak aku walau sebelah malam. Aku nak anak aku tau, ibunya sentiasa ada....

Plan ke Ulu Yam ngan geng blogger tak dapat aku realisasikan sebab kena hadiri kursus seminggu kat Port Dickson. Aku dah sampai tahap boring pi kursus. Nak buat camne, bukan aku ada pilihan pun....